RSS CCC in Computing Research News

  • CCC Chair Daniel Lopresti Transitions to Chair Emeritus and Several Council Members Rotate Off June 1, 2024
    By Petruce Jean-Charles, Communications Associate, CCC The Computing Community Consortium (CCC) wishes Dan Lopresti well as his 2-year term as Council Chair comes to a close. June 30th marks the end of Lopresti’s term and CCC is grateful for his leadership. He remains on the Council for another year as Chair Emeritus. Lopresti has been […]
  • CCC Launches New LinkedIn Showcase Page June 1, 2024
    By Petruce Jean-Charles, Communications Associate, CCC Have you ever heard of LinkedIn showcase pages? Well, we have been secretly working on one to bring you exclusive CCC news. Our goal is to share content that is both informative and new. Looking forward to more content? Here’s everything you need to know about our new page:   Q: […]
  • Addressing Harms: Moving Beyond Intent June 1, 2024
    By Haley Griffin, Program Associate, CCC The following was written by CCC’s Addressing the Unforeseen Deleterious Impacts of Technology (AUDIT) Task Force Computing technologies of all stripes have brought enormous benefits to people’s lives, but also significant individual and societal harms. As these technologies become increasingly ubiquitous and powerful, we should expect the potential benefits […]
  • CCC Sponsored AI/OR III workshop: Engaging the Synergies of the AI and OR Communities May 1, 2024
    By Petruce Jean-Charles, Communications Associate, CCC An interdisciplinary group of 50 researchers attended the third Artificial Intelligence/Operations Research (AI/OR) workshop in late March in Washington, DC. Presentations ranging from the opioid epidemic to integrating OR and AI through the optimization lens, discussing challenges that require collaboration between the two communities in Operations Research (OR) and […]
  • Visioning Workshop Report Released: The Future of Research on Social Technologies May 1, 2024
    By Haley Griffin, Program Associate, CCC In November 2023, CCC hosted a workshop on “The Future of Research on Social Technologies” in Washington, DC. The event, also supported by the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, addressed the past, present and future of social technologies research. The workshop brought together over 50 information and […]
  • CCC @ AAAS: How Big Trends in Computing are Shaping Science – Part One May 1, 2024
    By Catherine Gill, Program Associate, CCC CCC supported three scientific sessions at this year’s AAAS Annual Conference, and in case you weren’t able to attend in person, we are recapping each session. This week, we will summarize the highlights of the session, “How Big Trends in Computing are Shaping Science.” In Part 1, we will […]
  • New SIAM Report Explores the Challenges Facing the Future of Computational Science April 1, 2024
    By Petruce Jean-Charles, Communications Associate, CCC In 2023, the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM), an affiliated professional society member of CRA, commissioned a task force to craft a strategic vision for arising challenges in the future of computational science. Earlier this month, the task force released its report, titled The Future of Computational […]
  • CCC Responds to RFI on DOE’s Responsibilities on Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence April 1, 2024
    By Haley Griffin, Program Associate, CCC On April 1, 2024, the CCC submitted a response to the Department of Energy (DOE)’s Request for Information (RFI) Related to Responsibilities on Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence. In the solicitation, DOE sought advice on their plan to carry out some of the responsibilities […]
  • CCC Responds to the NTIA’s Request for Information on Dual Use Foundation AI Models with Widely Available Model Weights April 1, 2024
    By Catherine Gill, Program Associate, CCC At the end of March, the CCC responded to the National Telecommunications and Information Administration’s Request for Information on Dual Use Foundation Artificial Intelligence Models with Widely Available Model Weights. The CCC’s own Daniel Lopresti (CCC Chair and Lehigh University) and David Danks (CCC Executive Committee and University of […]
  • Visioning Workshop Report Released: Community Driven Approaches to Research in Technology & Society March 1, 2024
    By Haley Griffin, Program Associate, CCC The Community Driven Approaches to Research in Technology & Society visioning workshop was held in the Spring of 2023, bringing together a diverse group of 53 civil society representatives, activists, non-profit leaders, and computing researchers together. The workshop was sponsored by CCC and the MacArthur Foundation. The workshop organizers, […]
  • Visioning Workshop Report Released: Future of Pandemic Prevention and Response March 1, 2024
    By Haley Griffin, Program Associate, CCC CCC held a visioning workshop on the Future of Pandemic Response and Prevention in September 2023 in Ann Arbor, Michigan. It was organized by the CCC Council’s Computational Challenges in Healthcare Task Force, and a Steering Committee of community members in the healthcare domain: David Danks, University of California-San […]

Updates from the Computing Community Consortium
Computing Research News (January 2014)

Updates from the Computing Community Consortium
Computing Research News (September 2013)

CCC Calls for New Visioning Proposals
Computing Research News (September 2013)

Computing Researchers Get “Schooled” on Science Policy at LiSPI 2013
Computing Research News (August 2013)

Reflections from a CIFellows Alumna
Computing Research News (August 2013)

First Video in CCC Computing Research in Action Series Released: Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) Technology at the University of Delaware
Computing Research News (June 2013)

Computing Community Consortium: New Director Dr. Ann Drobnis
Computing Research News (April 2013)

Updates from the Computing Community Consortium
Computing Research News (March 2013)

The Computing Community Consortium: A Force Multiplier for CRA
Computing Research News (January 2013)

From Spatial Computing to Computing in Healthcare
Computing Research News (November 2012)

CCC Launches “Computing Research in Action”
Computing Research News (November 2012)

Research Visioning – And How You Can Get Involved
Computing Research News (September 2012)

Symposium Marks 20 Years of Coordinated Federal Investment in Networking and IT R&D
Computing Research News (March 2012)

CCC: We Want You Involved – And Here’s How
Computing Research News (September 2011)

My Experiences as a CIFellow
Computing Research News (September 2011)

A CIFellow’s Perspective: “Becoming a Better Researcher”
Computing Research News (May 2011)

CIFellows Descend on Washington
Computing Research News (March 2011)

Calling the Computing Research Community to Engage in a Conversation
Computing Research News (March 2011)

Pursuing Your Visions for the Future
Computing Research News (January 2011)

Cross Flow Among the 2010 Computing Innovation Fellows
Computing Research News (November 2010)

Turning Visions into Federal Programs
Computing Research News (November 2010)

NSF Funds Second Cohort of Computing Innovation Fellows
Computing Research News (September 2010)

The Computing Innovation Fellows Project: Strengthening the Field in Difficult Times
Computing Research News (September 2009)

Computing Research that Changed the World
Computing Research News (May 2009)

CCC Update
Computing Research News (March 2009)

CCC Highlights
Computing Research News (January 2009)

CCC Update
Computing Research News (November 2008)

Envisioning the Future of Computing Research
Communications of the ACM (August 2008)

The Computing Community Consortium: Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How
Computing Research News (January 2008)

The Computing Community Consortium ⇒ The Way Forward
Computing Research News (May 2007)

Review of the GENI Research Plan
Computing Research News (January 2007)

NSF Selects CRA to Create Computing Community Consortium
Computing Research News (November 2006)