Tag Archive: AI

Community-Driven Approaches to Research in Technology & Society

The focus of this visioning activity was to catalyze the research community by enabling conversations between computing researchers and those that are impacted by artificial intelligence systems. Through active participation, participants were given the opportunity to better understand the research opportunities that will create improved systems for the users who are impacted by the systems. Participatory research is a growing area in computing, leading to the creation of an outline of how community partners and researchers can effectively and ethically work together to conduct community-driven research.

Wide-Area Data Analytics

Modern datasets are often distributed across many locations. This workshop will bring together researchers and practitioners in the database, networking, distributed systems, and storage fields in order to bridge the gap in research within wide-area data analytics.
Fairness and Accountability Task Force will hold a visioning workshop on Economics and Fairness, May 22-23, 2019 in Cambridge, Massachusetts. This workshop will bring together computer science researchers with backgrounds in algorithmic decision making, machine learning, and data science with policy makers, legal experts, economists, and business leaders to discuss methods to ensure economic fairness in a data-driven world. '>

Economics and Fairness

The Computing Community Consortium's (CCC) Fairness and Accountability Task Force will hold a visioning workshop on Economics and Fairness, May 22-23, 2019 in Cambridge, Massachusetts. This workshop will bring together computer science researchers with backgrounds in algorithmic decision making, machine learning, and data science with policy makers, legal experts, economists, and business leaders to discuss methods to ensure economic fairness in a data-driven world.

Artificial Intelligence Roadmap Workshop 3 – Self Aware Learning

Given the increasingly pervasive use in AI technologies in all sectors of industry and government and the enormous potential for future AI-based technologies, NSF has asked the Computing Community Consortium to organize an AI Roadmap to help prioritize research investments. The third workshop theme is Learning and Robotics and will take place on January 17-18, 2019 in San Francisco. The chairs of the Self Aware Learning workshop are Fei-Fei Li (Stanford University) and Thomas G. Dietterich (Oregon State University). This is part of the AI Roadmap workshop series – view the series page here.


The Computing Community Consortium (CCC) has attended and hosted sessions at the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Annual Meeting since 2013. AAAS is the world’s largest multidisciplinary scientific society dedicated to advancing science for the benefit of all people.Below you can find information about CCC participation during each year and links to slides, resources, and related CCC white papers.