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Tag Archive: Workshop

2024 New Chairs Workshop

This full-day workshop will give new computing department chairs some of the skills needed to lead their organizations and work with deans, provosts, and particularly their own faculty – the stuff they never told you in graduate school.

2022 New Chairs Workshop

Whether you’ve been department chair for a week or a year, there is more to the job than you think!

CRA’s New Chairs Workshops gives those new to the role the opportunity to hear from experienced chairs and deans, discuss possible solutions to problem scenarios, and connect with fellow chairs.

NSF LEVEL UP – Portland

The goal of NSF LEVEL UP is to build consensus around a united vision of inclusive undergraduate computing education. Through collaboration with a respected advisory board of computing educators and professionals from across the country, the NSF LEVEL UP project will develop an evidence-based report of best practices that computing departments should implement nationwide.

2024 CRA Career Mentoring Workshop

CRA’s biennial Career Mentoring Workshops (CMWs) provide valuable career advice and mentoring activities to people just beginning or in the early stages of their computing research careers.

Building on the success of more than two decades of workshops for starting a tenure-track position in academia, this year’s program is expanded to include a workshop on teaching.

CRA Leadership Academy for Faculty

The CRA Leadership Academy seeks to help inform and cultivate future leaders in computing and computing research through a one-day in-person workshop, and a few follow-up virtual meetings among the Leadership Academy cohort. 

BPC workshop imageBPC workshop image BPC Plan Workshop

As part of the National Science Foundation (NSF) Directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering’s (CISE) commitment to broaden participation in computing (BPC), several NSF CISE programs now require PIs to have a meaningful Broadening Participation in Computing (BPC) Plan at the time of the award. Computing departments are encouraged to develop Departmental BPC Plans that faculty can use in their proposals for those NSF programs.

To support academic institutions in developing a Departmental BPC Plan, the Computing Research Association (CRA) is hosting an NSF-funded in-person workshop on August 3-5, 2022 in Denver, CO.

The workshop will present information on Departmental BPC Plans, hands-on activities and resources to develop Plans, and real-time feedback from BPC Plan consultants. Please check back later for details on how to sign up for these sessions. Participants are also encouraged to meet individually with BPC Consultants by making a free appointment on

2022 CRA Career Mentoring Workshop

The biennial Career Mentoring Workshop was held by the Computing Research Association February 24 – 25, 2022 in Washington, DC. This exciting workshop provides advice and mentoring activities for those starting an academic computing research career. Most attendees are in their first or second year as assistant professors. The workshop, consisting of a series of panels, is interspersed with opportunities to network with senior researchers and representatives from government agencies.

2020 Career Mentoring Workshop

The eleventh biennial Career Mentoring Workshop was held by the Computing Research Association on February 27 and 28, 2020 in Washington, DC. This exciting workshop provides advice and mentoring activities for those starting an academic computing research career. Most attendees are in their first or second year as assistant professors. The workshop, consisting of a series of panels, is interspersed with opportunities to network with senior researchers and representatives from government agencies.


2019 URMD Grad Cohort

At the CRA URMD Grad Cohort Workshop, participants will spend two days interacting with senior computing researchers and professionals, who will share pertinent information on graduate school survival skills, as well as more personal information and insights about their experiences. The workshop includes a mix of formal presentations and informal discussions and social events. By attending URMD Grad Cohort, participants will build mentoring relationships and develop peer networks that will form the basis for ongoing activities during their graduate career and beyond.


CRA-E Professional Development Workshop for Teaching-Track Faculty

Computer Science departments have experienced significant course enrollment increases and many Ph.D. granting departments have introduced or increased the number of academic teaching faculty positions that have academic rank. The one-day workshop held in association with SIGCSE will focus on the professional development of teaching track faculty (professor of practice, instructor, clinical faculty, lecturer, etc.) in Ph.D. granting departments.

2018 CRA Grad Cohort Workshop for Underrepresented Minorities + Persons with Disabilities (URMD)

At the CRA URMD Grad Cohort Workshop, participants spent two days interacting with senior computing researchers and professionals, who shared pertinent information on graduate school survival skills, as well as more personal information and insights about their experiences. The workshop included a mix of formal presentations and informal discussions and social events. By attending URMD Grad Cohort participants were able to build mentoring relationships and develop peer networks that will form the basis for ongoing activities during their graduate career and beyond.