NITRD 30th Anniversary
May 25, 2022
The International Spy Museum
700 L'Enfant Plaza Southwest, Washington, DC 20024, USA
Event Contact
Ann Schwartz
Event Type
Event Category
Networking and Information Technology Research and Development, NITRD, NITRD 30th Anniversary
On December 22, 2021 the 30th Anniversary of the NITRD program occurred during the height of the pandemic, and accordingly a virtual commemoration was held to celebrate the incredible achievements of the last 30 years while maintaining social distancing measures. While the anniversary has passed we will be hosting an in-person event on May 25th, 2022 to commemorate this milestone.
The United States has a thriving information technology innovation ecosystem that uniquely integrates expertise and resources spanning the Federal Government, academia, and private industry. In 1991, Congress recognized the importance of this innovation ecosystem and the associated advances in networking and information technology research and development by passing the High Performance Computing Act. That Act established the High-Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC) program, the predecessor to today’s NITRD program. In the years since, the HPCC and NITRD programs have enabled multi-agency coordination of the federal investment in this space.
For more information, please see the NITRD website.