Tag Archive: Workshop

Building Resilience to Climate Driven Extreme Events with Computing Innovations: A Convergence Accelerator Workshop

Through this workshop we identified computing building blocks needed to facilitate and expedite technological innovation in multiple impact areas. We focused on a subset of the impact areas identified in the CCC white paper on computing research for the climate crisis: Energy, Environmental Justice, Agriculture, and Transportation. 

CIFellows 2022 Workshop

The workshop involved both the 2020 and 2021 CIFellow cohorts on May 26th in Washington, DC. We welcomed a variety of speakers, panels and networking opportunities with members of the computing research community.

NITRD 30th Anniversary

On May 25th, 2022 the 30th anniversary celebration of the Networking and Information Technology Research and Development (NITRD) program took place in-person at the International Spy Museum in Washington, DC.

Mechanism Design for Improving Hardware Security

At this workshop, participants investigated ways to improve the design and uptake of hardware security mechanisms. In addition to looking at traditional technical solutions, the workshop also considered new mechanisms to incentivize designers, system integrators, and users to create and maintain security of their systems. The workshop brought together hardware and software security experts and economists and experts in devising and implementing governmental policies.

Physics & Engineering Issues in Adiabatic/Reversible Classical Computing

We view the basic science and engineering of reversible computers as being currently an extremely ripe area of focus for future large-scale federal research initiatives. The purpose of this workshop was to gather the research community in this field, lay a common foundation of existing state-of-the-art knowledge, and work together to prepare a comprehensive workshop report that can make the case for a major new initiative effectively to Federal level decision-makers.