Tag Archive: Workshop

Privacy by Design – Catalyzing Privacy by Design

Frontiers in Regulation and Management. This workshop will review the lessons from workshops #1-3 and examine how existing regulatory models, along with other factors, shape organizations’ understanding of privacy problems, approaches, and solutions. Building on workshop-generated insights on the strengths and limitations of current approaches—in terms of concepts, incentives, actors—the workshop will consider how well regulatory models respond to privacy-by-design challenges, and identify open research questions.

This is part of a series of workshops - view the series page

Theoretical Foundations for Social Computing

Social computing encompasses the mechanisms through which people interact with computational systems---for instance, crowdsourcing platforms, ranking and recommendation systems, online prediction markets, or collaboratively edited wikis. Social computing is blossoming into a rich research area of its own, with contributions from diverse disciplines spanning computer science, economics, sociology, systems research, and HCI, to name just a few.

Global Development Workshop

Approximately fifty participants gathered in Berkeley to discuss the future of Computer Science research supporting global socioeconomic development. Over a rich two days of discussion, deliberation and decision-making, we arrived at major decisions, identified contentious points for further discussion, and decided on next steps for the community.