• Future of Pandemic Prevention and Response

    September 20, 2023

    In this workshop, participants discussed and summarized challenges and envisioned computational opportunities related to forecasting and disease spread; disease evolution; automated notification systems; logistics and supply allocation; interventions and vaccination proof; and genomic medicine to ensure we are more prepared for the next pandemic. Included in the workshop agenda was a pandemic emergency simulation designed to help participants determine what computational tools exist and are useful, and the gaps that researchers at the intersection of computing and health are in the unique position to fill.

  • Systems and Applications Challenges for the Emerging Bazaar of Accelerators

    August 9, 2023

    The slowing of Moore’s law and the end of Dennard scaling has reduced the dominance of general purpose processor architectures. Accelerators and other approaches optimized for specific operations and data structures have been developed as the go-to alternative. This CCC workshop focused on the opportunities, challenges, and questions which arises from this shift.

  • Community-Driven Approaches to Research in Technology & Society

    May 8, 2023

    The focus of this visioning activity was to catalyze the research community by enabling conversations between computing researchers and those that are impacted by artificial intelligence systems. Through active participation, participants were given the opportunity to better understand the research opportunities that will create improved systems for the users who are impacted by the systems. Participatory research is a growing area in computing, leading to the creation of an outline of how community partners and researchers can effectively and ethically work together to conduct community-driven research.

  • Mechanism Design for Improving Hardware Security

    August 24, 2022

    At this workshop, participants investigated ways to improve the design and uptake of hardware security mechanisms. In addition to looking at traditional technical solutions, the workshop also considered new mechanisms to incentivize designers, system integrators, and users to create and maintain security of their systems. The workshop brought together hardware and software security experts and economists and experts in devising and implementing governmental policies.

  • Assured Autonomy #3

    July 29, 2020

    CCC created a roadmap for assured autonomy that will be used for building and refining research and development programs.

  • Assured Autonomy Workshop #2

    February 20, 2020

    This workshop identified existing capabilities, current research, and research trends that address the challenges and problems identified in workshop 1.

  • Assured Autonomy Workshop #1

    October 16, 2019

    The workshop identified current and anticipated challenges and problems in assuring autonomous systems within and across applications/sectors.

  • Wide-Area Data Analytics

    October 3, 2019

    Modern datasets are often distributed across many locations. This workshop brought together researchers and practitioners in the database, networking, distributed systems, and storage fields in order to bridge the gap in research within wide-area data analytics.

  • AI Roadmap

    August 7, 2019

    In fall 2018, the Computing Community Consortium (CCC) started a new initiative to create a Roadmap for Artificial Intelligence, led by Yolanda Gil (University of Southern California and President-Elect of AAAI) and Bart Selman (Cornell University). A series of three workshops were held in the Fall/Winter of 2018/2019, with the goal of identifying challenges, opportunities, and pitfalls, and create a compelling report that will effectively inform future federal priorities—including future AI R&D Investments. The final report is now available.

  • Economics and Fairness

    May 22, 2019

    The Computing Community Consortium's (CCC) Fairness and Accountability Task Force held a visioning workshop on Economics and Fairness, May 22-23, 2019 in Cambridge, Massachusetts. This workshop brought together computer science researchers with backgrounds in algorithmic decision making, machine learning, and data science with policy makers, legal experts, economists, and business leaders to discuss methods to ensure economic fairness in a data-driven world.

  • Content Generation for Workforce Training

    March 14, 2019

    The CCC held a visioning workshop in Atlanta, GA in March 2019 to discuss and articulate research visions for authoring rich graphical content for new workforce training. The workshop's goal was to articulate research challenges and needs and to summarize the current state of the practice in this area.

  • Thermodynamic Computing

    January 3, 2019

    Thermodynamics has been a historical concern in the engineering of conventional computing systems due to its role in power consumption, scaling, and device performance. Today, we see thermodynamics re-emerging in a new role as an algorithmic technique in areas such as machine learning, annealing, quantum, and neuromorphic systems. Recent theoretical developments in non-equilibrium thermodynamics suggest thermodynamics may become the basis of a new “thermodynamic computing” paradigm. For example, it may lead to computing systems that self-organize in response to external input.

  • Leadership in Embedded Security Workshop

    August 12, 2018

    The Cybersecurity Taskforce of the CCC held a leadership workshop to envision the future of embedded security research and education from hardware to cyberphysical systems to human factors.

  • Next Steps in Quantum Computing: Computer Science’s Role

    May 22, 2018

    While it has been known for some time that quantum computers could in principle solve problems that are intractable on today’s supercomputers such as breaking public key cryptography and solving hard computational chemistry problems, the field of quantum computing is still at an early stage. Recent progress in realizing small scale quantum computers is encouraging and these devices may scale up further in the near future. However, currently, only very few opportunities exist to bring quantum computing experts together with experts from other computer science fields with much to offer: programming languages, compiler design, computer architecture, and design automation in an exchange of ideas.

  • Robotic Materials

    April 23, 2018

    The Robotic Materials workshop showcased some of the ongoing interdisciplinary work at the intersection of computing, robotics, and material science.

  • Sociotechnical Interventions for Health Disparity Reduction: A Research Agenda

    April 9, 2018

    In this cross-disciplinary workshop, we brought together leading researchers in computing, health informatics, and behavioral medicine to develop an integrative research agenda regarding sociotechnical interventions to reduce health disparities and improve the health of socio-economically disadvantaged populations. As part of these discussions, approaches for guarding against unintended consequences of general interventions were also explored. To do so, this workshop focused on integrating insights and findings from each of these fields, identifying gaps in understanding between fields, and surfacing opportunities for future interdisciplinary research to address relevant challenges.

  • Cyber Security for Manufacturers Workshop

    March 14, 2017

    On March 14-15, 2017 MForesight: The Alliance for Manufacturing Foresight, in collaboration with the Computing Community Consortium (CCC), convened a workshop to address cyber-physical security challenges faced by U.S. manufacturers of all sizes.

  • Discovery and Innovation in Smart and Pervasive Health

    December 5, 2016

    There is a desire to update the strategic research priorities informing investments in Smart Health research. Workshops in 2009 and 2012, partially hosted by the CCC, resulted in two white papers that informed programs such as the joint NSF and NIH Smart and Connected Health research program.

  • Nanotechnology-Inspired Information Processing Systems of the Future

    August 31, 2016

    Traditionally, computing systems have relied on scaling of transistor feature sizes for enhancing energy efficiency, throughput, performance, functional density, and most importantly cost (per component). Unfortunately the benefits gained from further scaling are greatly reduced. Future computing systems need to overcome the fundamental efficiency‐robustness barrier in order to continue to have societal‐scale impact. A key requirement is to envision this future as a convergence of three domains – emerging applications, alternative computational models and architectures, and beyond CMOS nanofabrics. A compelling vision of future computing systems would be one where the application level metrics are accounted for during design, where statistical, hysteretic, and other attributes of nanoscale fabrics could be exploited for designing computational primitives such as nanofunctions required by these applications, and where alternative models for computing could be leveraged to design systems meeting application‐level requirements. Achieving this vision calls for a journey from systems‐to‐nanofabrics and back.

  • Cyber-Social Learning Systems Workshop 1

    August 29, 2016

    Over the last decade, we have made enormous progress establishing scientific and engineering principles for cyber-physical systems (CPS). The next major frontier in science and engineering research and development, is the integration of cyber-physical with human and social systems and phenomena at all scales. Closing the loop from sensing to performance at all scales will give rise to cyber-social learning systems. This was part of a workshop series – view the series page.

  • Architecture 2030 Workshop @ ISCA 2016

    June 19, 2016

    The goal of this first Architecture 2030 Workshop was to kick off a new round of visioning activities in a public forum, on where our constituents believe the field is headed, what challenges and opportunities exist, and how we can continue to communicate our impact beyond our discipline. The workshop was mostly discussion based, with breakout sessions and report-outs. The workshop was Sunday, June 19th, 2016.

  • Artificial Intelligence For Social Good

    June 7, 2016

    There has been a dramatically increasing interest in Artificial Intelligence (AI) in recent years. AI has been successfully applied to societal challenge problems and it has a great potential to provide tremendous social good in the future. In this workshop, we discussed the successful deployments and the potential use of AI in various topics that are essential for social good, including but not limited to urban computing, health, environmental sustainability and social welfare/disadvantaged segments of society.

  • Computer-Aided Personalized Education

    November 12, 2015

    The demand for education in STEM fields is exploding, and universities and colleges are straining to satisfy this demand. In the case of Computer Science, for example, the number of US students enrolled in introductory courses has grown three-fold in the past decade.

  • Promoting Strategic Research on Inclusive Access to Rich Online Content and Services

    September 24, 2015

    This workshop addressed challenges and opportunities surrounding access to online content and services, including rich, non-text content. Consumers are increasingly relying on online information for guidance on matters of health, education, and other important topics. Our ability to provide online access for consumers generally, including people with disabilities, must keep pace.

  • Privacy by Design – Engineering Privacy

    August 31, 2015

    This workshop surveyed emerging challenges in engineering privacy from applications of cryptographic protocols and privacy-preserving databases, to formal notations and programming languages in identity management, de-identification, and software specification. This survey reviewed known challenges, such as understanding privacy policies (e.g., privacy laws in regulated sectors like healthcare and finance; privacy promises in self-regulated sectors like Web services) in computational terms so that tools can be developed to help with their enforcement, which includes conflicts introduced by cross-references from one legal text to another, difficulties reflecting use based models, modeling business process’ compliance with the law; and policy weaknesses exposed by computer scientists that limit the utility of translation for privacy protection (e.g., the atomic view of information types that ignores statistical correlations leading to weak de-identification requirements and ineffective approaches to privacy-preserving big data analytics).

    This was part of a series of workshops - view the series page.

  • Theoretical Foundations for Social Computing

    June 29, 2015

    Social computing encompasses the mechanisms through which people interact with computational systems---for instance, crowdsourcing platforms, ranking and recommendation systems, online prediction markets, or collaboratively edited wikis. Social computing is blossoming into a rich research area of its own, with contributions from diverse disciplines spanning computer science, economics, sociology, systems research, and HCI, to name just a few.

  • Privacy by Design – Privacy Enabling Design

    May 7, 2015

    This workshop covered the latest research results in user interface design, usability and human factors including studies of user behavior and recent findings in privacy displays, nudging, privacy preference modeling, to name a few. While regulators attempt to drive privacy-by-design, there is little evidence that the class of professionals who consider themselves designers are engaged in the conversation. Workshops at CHI, and SOUPS continue to generate interesting research and spark conversation, however our efforts to identify designers in industrial innovators who are fluent in privacy—in any form—has come up relatively empty. Surely privacy, like other human values, is a source of norms and expectations that influences how designers approach their work, however, we do not have a good sense of how they approach it, whether they use distinct methodologies or tools to do so, and what concepts guide their inquiries.

    This was part of a series of workshops - view the series page.

  • Privacy by Design – State of Research and Practice

    February 5, 2015

    Regulators, academics and industry have called for privacy-by-design as a way to address growing privacy concerns with rapidly developing technology. The public and private sector are responding — hiring privacy engineers to join the ranks of privacy-oriented professionals, often working under the guidance of a chief privacy officer. Yet, implementing concepts of privacy through design is an open challenge and research area. There is a limited, disparate, and fragmented body of research affirmatively positioned as privacy-by-design. The first workshop of the series, highlighting the key insights, questions, themes, disagreements, and further barriers to actionable progress.

    This was part of a series of workshops - view the series page.

  • Brain Workshop

    December 3, 2014

    Computer science and brain science share deep intellectual roots – after all, computer science sprang out Alan Turing’s musings about the brain in the spring of 1936. Today, understanding the structure and function of the human brain is one of the greatest scientific challenges of our generation.

  • Uncertainty in Computation Workshop

    October 15, 2014

    Modern science, technology, and politics are all permeated by data that comes from people, measurements, or computational processes. However, data is often incomplete, corrupt, or lacking in sufficient accuracy and precision. While concern for these uncertainties would seem essential to rational decision making, explicit consideration of uncertainty is rarely part of the computational and decision making pipeline. Now is the appropriate time to hold a discussion about future research directions related to the modeling of uncertainty in computations and the ways in which the uncertainty inherent in many computational processes can be communicated to those tasked with making decisions based on such data.

  • Aging In Place

    September 10, 2014

    This workshop brought together needed interdisciplinary expertise, assessed the state of the science at the human, medical, and technology levels, and articulated a research vision for a systems engineering approach to the development of technologies and solutions to support the home management of persons with significant chronic diseases and their family care providers.

  • Human Computation Roadmap Summit

    June 18, 2014

    Human Computation entails the design and analysis of information processing systems in which humans participate as computational elements. This visioning activity sought community input to map a path from interdisciplinary research to human computation applications with the greatest societal benefit and impact.

  • CRA/CCC Workshop on Extreme Scale Design Automation

    February 21, 2014

    Design automation tools have been an enabling force in the computing revolution. Beginning in the 1970s, rapid advances have allowed semiconductor chips to evolve from a handful of transistors to modern processors and systems with billions devices.

    This was part of a series of workshops - view the series page.

  • Robotics, Manufacturing, and Computing

    October 21, 2013

    The National Science Foundation, Robotics-VO, Computing Community Consortium, and The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy held a workshop on October 21, 2013 to identify opportunities, challenges, and avenues in manufacturing, robotics, and computing.

  • Multidisciplinary Research for Online Education Workshop

    February 11, 2013

    Participants explored computer science and multidisciplinary research agendas designed to improve formal and informal education. The workshop built on CCC’s earlier visioning activities on Global Resources for Online Education (GROE), addressing education-relevant research in areas such as intelligent student modeling through data mining, mobile computing for data logging, social networking, serious games, intelligent learning environments, HCI to facilitate educational interactions, computer-supported collaborative learning, interactive visualizations and simulations, and many other areas, to include research at the interface of computing and the social/behavioral sciences. While the workshop built on a rich existing landscape of cyber-enabled education research, it was also informed by very recent developments, such as massively open online courses (MOOCs), that make important dimensions of scale and openness explicit.

  • Computing and Healthcare: New Opportunities and Directions

    October 11, 2012

    The opportunity for innovation is enhanced by the increasing availability of health data, the drop in cost and ubiquity of powerful, networked sensors and computing devices, and the increasing competency of methods and algorithms for analyzing data to provide insights, diagnoses, predictions, and recommendations.

    This was part of a series of workshops on Health IT - view the series page.

  • Global Development Workshop

    August 1, 2009

    Approximately fifty participants gathered in Berkeley to discuss the future of Computer Science research supporting global socioeconomic development. Over a rich two days of discussion, deliberation and decision-making, we arrived at major decisions, identified contentious points for further discussion, and decided on next steps for the community.

  • A Roadmap for US Robotics

    May 21, 2009

    Over the last two decades, the internet has—in many ways—transformed our daily lives from work routines to social networking. The internet is an impressive media for interconnecting computers. However, almost all these computers are passive devices with no or very limited facilities for interaction with the physical world. Robots—on the other hard—are devices designed to interact intelligently with the environment. Over the next decade or two the prediction is that robotics will impact our daily lives in manners that, at least, matches the way the internet has impacted our life.

  • Workshop: Future of Educational Technology

    April 23, 2009

    All activities within walking distance in downtown Tempe, AZ. Meetings held at the ASU School of Engineering and Informatics; three working lunches served in the meeting rooms; two group dinners arranged at nearby local restaurants; participants stayed at the nearby Mission Palms Hotel.

  • Behavior, Computation, and Networks in Human Subject Experimentation

    July 31, 2008

    The fundamental premise of the workshop was that the computer science, economics, game theory and sociology communities have been engaged for some time now in healthy and vibrant interaction on theoretical topics, and that the natural and most important next frontier is to introduce a behavioral and experimental component to this exchange.

  • Theory of Networked Computation

    June 11, 2008

    The increasing prominence of the Internet, the Web, and large data-networks in general has profoundly affected social and commercial activity. It has also wrought one of the most profound shifts in Computer Science since its inception.
