CRA Bulletin

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Items to feature on the CRA homepage.

Tracy CampTracy Camp

Tracy Camp Named Computing Research Association Executive Director

The Computing Research Association recently announced Dr. Tracy Camp will become its next Executive Director starting July 1, 2022. Camp is currently the Department Head of Computer Science at Colorado School of Mines. She brings to the role strong experience as a leader in the computing research community at the national level, a history spearheading diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives in computing, and a detailed vision for leading the organization into the future.


Technology Leaders Create Endowed Professorship Fund at University of Washington in Honor of Former CRA and CCC Chair Ed Lazowska

The University of Washington (UW) Allen School recently shared the story behind the creation of a new professorship honoring Ed Lazowska in recognition of his incredible impact on the computing research community. The Endowed Professorship in Computer Science & Engineering in Honor of Edward D. Lazowska was the brainchild of Peter Lee of Microsoft and […]


Analysis of Current and Future Computer Science Needs via Advertised Faculty Searches for 2022

This work uses the same methodology applied over eight years to study where Computer Science departments are choosing to invest faculty positions using data obtained from advertised tenure-track searches for the current hiring season.  This work also provides an opportunity to continue to understand the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on faculty hiring in Computer Science for hires starting in 2022.

We analyzed ads from 400 institutions seeking to fill hundreds of tenure-track faculty positions in Computer Science.  This number is a 70% increase from last year at this time (mid-November) and is a comparable number to the 394 institutions searching for 2020.  The number of tenure-track positions sought is doubled from last year and up 6% from two years ago indicating a recovery in demand after a one-year drop due to the pandemic. The number of BS/BA institutions seeking faculty is at an eight-year high with top PhD and private PhD institutions at eight-year highs in the number of positions being sought.


NITRD 30th Anniversary Commemoration

Join us on Thursday, December 2, 2021, at 12pm EST for a special virtual event marking the 30th anniversary of the Networking and Information Technology Research and Development (NITRD) program. For three decades, the NITRD program has coordinated federal investment at the frontiers of computing, networking, data, and software, leading to many of the breakthrough information technologies that define our lives today, like the modern Internet as well as 4G, LTE, and 5G wireless networks, expanding access to broadband connectivity, information, and other resources; vehicle-to-vehicle communication, enhancing driver safety and reducing traffic congestion; and machine learning and predictive modeling, advancing understanding of human diseases like COVID-19 leading to therapeutics.


Candidates Sought for CRA Board of Directors

The Computing Research Association seeks your help in recruiting candidates for its Board of Directors. We want individuals who have time, energy, initiative, and resources to work on CRA issues on behalf of the entire CRA community. We have a working Board, and all members are expected to work on community issues. Candidates may nominate themselves by completing this form. The deadline for receipt of nominations is December 17, 2021. 

AccessComputing DREUAccessComputing DREU

CRA-WP 2022 Distributed Research Experience for Undergraduates (DREU) – Applications Open!

DREU interns have the opportunity to be directly involved in a research project and interact with graduate students and professors on a daily basis. This experience is invaluable for those who are considering graduate school; DREU will provide a close-up view of what graduate school is really like and increase interns’ competitiveness as an applicant for graduate admissions and fellowships. Faculty mentors will have the opportunity to work on their research project with new students from other institutions and to mentor future graduate students.


CRA’s CV Database Initiative Turns Three

The CRA CV Database is now open for applications for the 2021-22 recruiting season. It can be accessed through Candidates will be able to upload their resumes, research and teaching statements, job objectives and other preferences, and a link to a short presentation video. Recruiters will be able to search this information and are encouraged to contact candidates starting mid-November.

2022 Grad Cohort2022 Grad Cohort

2022 CRA-WP Graduate Cohort Workshops – Applications Open!

CRA-WP will host two Graduate Cohort Workshops in 2022. The Grad Cohort Workshop for Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Accessibility, and Leadership Skills (GC-IDEALS) is designed specifically for graduate school populations underrepresented in computing research. The Grad Cohort Workshop for Women (GC-Women) is designed for women students in their first, second, or third year of graduate school […]

CRA Taulbee Survey Announcement

The 2020 CRA Taulbee Survey will be starting soon. As has been our recent practice, the survey will be split into two parts, salary and main (everything else). This allows us to set an earlier deadline for the salary section in order to produce a preliminary salary report in December, while giving departments more time to collect and enter the information in the rest of the survey if needed.

Taulbee Schedule

  • By September 20: Each academic unit head will receive an email about this year’s survey and so will the Taulbee primary contact(s), if separate. The data-gathering pdf will also be available at this time.
  • September 27: Both Salary and Main surveys open for input
  • November 29: Due date for salary section.
  • Late December: Preliminary salary report available to participants.
  • January 24, 2022: Due date for the main Taulbee section.
  • April 2022: Full Taulbee report to CRA members and participating departments.
  • May 2022: Published in CRN.

The Taulbee Survey is open to all academic units that grant doctorates in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, or Information.  If you have any questions, contact Betsy Bizot at

Education CommitteeEducation Committee

Nominations Open for 2022 CRA Award for Outstanding Undergraduate Researchers

The Computing Research Association (CRA) is pleased to announce the annual CRA Award for Outstanding Undergraduate Researchers, which recognizes undergraduate students in North American colleges and universities who show outstanding research potential in an area of computing research. The award is a wonderful way to recognize your best student researchers and your department.  

Andrew BernatAndrew Bernat

CRA Executive Director Andrew Bernat Retires After Nearly Two Decades of Leadership

After nearly 20 years at the helm of the Computing Research Association, Executive Director Andrew Bernat has retired from his position, marking the close of his incredible career that has spanned more than 40 years. Over the course of his career, he was founding member and chair of the Computer Science Department at the University of Texas at El Paso, a NSF Program Director and finally executive director of CRA since 2002. Under his leadership the association has seen a dramatic, positive transformation, more than tripling in size and launching significant new efforts in research visioning, widening participation, and postgraduate support, while remaining the organization of record for computing research issues in Washington policy circles.

CERP FallbackCERP Fallback

CERP to Support New NSF INCLUDES Alliance Focused on Increasing Equity and Broadening Participation in STEM

The CRA Center for Evaluating the Research Pipeline (CERP) will support one of the new INCLUDES Alliances as a consultant representing, a clearinghouse for the community to learn about and engage with ongoing projects to address underrepresentation in Computing. Through this collaboration, CERP will work to expand the Statistics and Data Hub, an online tool that currently provides computing-related data at the K-12 and postsecondary levels.


CRA-Industry Senior Program Associate Position Open

The Computing Research Association (CRA) seeks a full-time employee to join our team as a Senior Program Associate for the CRA Industry standing committee (CRA-Industry). CRA-Industry is a newly formed standing committee that convenes industry partners on computing research topics of mutual interest and connects our partners with CRA’s academic and government constituents for mutual […]


CRA/CERP Program Assistant Position Open

The Computing Research Association (CRA) seeks a full-time employee to join our team as a Program Assistant working with the CRA Center for Evaluating the Research Pipeline (CERP). The following description outlines the general nature of this position and is not intended to be an exhaustive list of all responsibilities and skills necessary for this […]