Education Research Articles

SIGCSE 2019 Paper: Can Sending First and Second Year Computing Students to Technical Conferences Help Retention?

CERP data featured in Psychology of Women Quarterly article on women’s sense of belonging in technical fields.

CERP publishes research in Frontiers in Psychology on the longterm impact of the CRA-W’s Grad Cohort intervention on women.

CERP’s longitudinal data indicate women less likely to join and more likely to leave computing majors than men.

CERP Infographics in Computing Research News

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Fact sheet presenting a summary of the demographic makeup of CISE REU Past Participants who participated in REU projects between 2013 and 2021.
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Thumbnail for CERP infographic
Thumbnail image with a bar chart
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Thumbnail for CERP infographic
Thumbnail for CERP infographic showing a horizontal bar graph
Text reads “REU Participation” with 3 graduation caps underneath
Horizontal bars and coinciding percentage values on a chart.
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Arrows leading from a diploma to graduate education
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CERP infographic
Data Buddies Survey
CERP Infographic
CERP infographic
CERP Infographic_
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CRA is reviewing all programs and practices and will implement any necessary revisions due to federal Executive Orders and/or federal funding agency guidance.

We remain dedicated to our mission and service to the computing research community.