This article is published in the September 2005 issue.

CRA-W Receives National Science Board Award

Pictured at the State Department formal dinner where the NSB 2005 Public Service Award (Group) was presented are (from the left):

Carla Ellis (CRA-W co-chair); Nancy Leveson; Anne Condon; Sheila Castaneda; Lori Pollock; Jan Cuny; Mary Jean Harrold (CRA-W co-chair); Mary Jane Irwin; and Mary Lou Soffa.

The selection of CRA-W was based on the following:

For the past 14 years, CRA-W has been committed to public service through programs and projects aimed at increasing the participation of women in computer science and engineering research and education. Among some of the activities promoted by CRA-W are:

  • Increasing the number of women entering graduate school in computer science and computer engineering by matching outstanding female undergraduates with female mentors for a summer of research at the mentor’s institution.
  • Encouraging the next generation of scientists and fostering awareness of women in science and technology through a Distinguished Lecture Series.
  • Publishing reports and articles that focus on career advancements for women, such as Recruitment and Retention of Women Graduate Students in CSE; and “Expanding the Pipeline” column for Computing Research News, to name a few.


CRA-W Receives National Science Board Award