Tag Archive: Data Buddies Project

Thank you, Data Buddies! (Fall 2023)

By CERP Staff CRA and CERP wish to thank the institutions and departments that distributed the 2023 annual Data Buddies Survey! A total of 149 institutions worked with CERP for the 2023 survey year, with 46 departments receiving “elite” status by obtaining a response rate of 20% or more. The collective efforts of Data Buddies […]

Undergraduates’ Likely Interest in a Research-Related Career is Connected to Their Highest Intended Degree

By Evelyn Yarzebinski, Manager, CERP Students who are enrolled in Bachelor’s degree granting programs are faced with the decision of whether to continue on to graduate school after they have earned their Bachelor’s degree. There are many facets to this decision, such as whether their future career will include a focus on research, as graduate-level […]

Thumbnail for CERP infographicThumbnail for CERP infographic

More than 170 Institutions Participated in Data Buddies Survey 2022

By Evelyn Yarzebinski, Manager, CERP The Data Buddies Project is a long-standing project of Center for Evaluating the Research Pipeline (CERP). This project focuses on the experiences of those in the computing community, such as understanding student retention and attrition, as well as factors that may support successful graduate school or other professional experiences. CERP […]

Thumbnail for CERP infographicThumbnail for CERP infographic

Rates of Participation in K-12 Outreach Vary Among Undergraduates in Computing

CRA’s Data Buddies Survey 2021 data indicate that 16% of undergraduates in computing fields have been involved in K-12 outreach during their degree program. Participation rates across different racial and ethnic groups varied. Within racial/ethnic groups, participation rates also varied as a function of gender identity.