This article is published in the January 2013 issue.

CRA Survey Chair, Stuart H. Zweben, Receives Distinguished Service Award

ABET has named former CRA Board Member Stuart H. Zweben, as the 2012 recipient of its Linton E. Grinter Distinguished Service Award. Zweben served on the CRA Board of Directors from 1997-2004 as an ACM representative. Since then, he has continued as chair of the CRA Survey Committee, and is instrumental in guiding the Taulbee survey each year.


Zweben is a Professor Emeritus in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at The Ohio State University and received the CRA Special Service Award in 2006.

Zweben’s Grinter award citation states, “For outstanding leadership in computing accreditation worldwide, including more than 27 years of service to ABET and CSAB, and for being a catalyst behind the growth of computing accreditation in the United States over the last 25 years.”

The Ginter award is named for engineering and engineering technology education pioneer Linton E. Grinter, and it recognizes ABET volunteers who follow his example and surpass even the highest service expectations of the organization. The award is the highest honor that ABET, the recognized accreditor for college and university programs in applied science, computing, engineering, and engineering technology, bestows.