This article is published in the October 2024 issue.

CISE Faculty and Department Leaders Are Invited To Join UR2PhD for an Informational Session October 17

By Julia Sepulveda, Senior Program Associate, CRA-E

The UR2PhD program is an initiative that is building capacity within computer science to advance the representation of women and gender-marginalized students, especially those who identify as historically underrepresented. In efforts to help advance this mission, the UR2PhD team partners with schools and departments that are committed to diversifying and expanding their undergraduate research programs and opportunities. 

On Thursday, October 17 at 2:00 pm ET, the UR2PhD Program Leadership is hosting a two-hour informational session for North American CISE faculty and department leaders. The purpose of this session will be to share information about the program, better understand the challenges and opportunities for undergraduate research, and answer any questions about the program structure, eligibility, and entry points. 

As a small token of appreciation for folks’ time, energy, and participation, up to one representative from each institution who attends and completes an informational form will receive $100. To be eligible for the $100, participants must: be faculty or department leaders at a North American institution, attend the full session, complete the post-meeting form, and complete required CRA documentation. Faculty and departmental leaders at institutions that serve large populations of historically marginalized students within CS are highly encouraged to attend. 

To participate, faculty and departmental leaders must register