Published: January 2022, Issue: Vol. 34/No.1, Download as PDF

Archive of articles published in the January 2022, Vol. 34/No.1 issue.

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CCC 2021 Highlights

The Computing Community Consortium (CCC), like the rest of the world, continued to adapt and restructure our activities due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite the unique issues this year brought, with the help of the computing research community, we were able to continue making an impact and provide support. Some highlights from the year are described below; please see our website for more details, as well as plans and opportunities for new activities in the coming new year.

Senior Program Associate Khari Douglas Leaves the CCC

Senior Program Associate Khari Douglas is leaving the CRA and the Computing Community Consortium (CCC) after six years. During his time with the CCC, Douglas made a lasting impact on the organization running countless workshops, supporting members of the council, acting as the unofficial IT person, and revamping and maintaining the CCC website for clearer communications with the community. One of his greatest contributions was taking the initiative to start a podcast, “Catalyzing Computing” where he interviewed members of the computing research community and provided the opportunity for all to get to know researchers and their work on a more personal level.

CCC Program Associate Position Openings

Help Enable the Future of Computing Research – Join CRA as a Program Associate

The Computing Research Association (CRA) seeks two highly-motivated individuals to join its staff as Program Associate or Senior Program Associate (depending on qualifications and experience). The positions involve work primarily with CRA’s Computing Community Consortium (CCC) subcommittee, which aims to catalyze the computing research community to pursue innovative, high-impact research. The CCC is run as a cooperative agreement between the National Science Foundation (NSF) and CRA.