Tag Archive: Big Data

Articles that report on big data trends and analysis.

South Big Data Hub LogoSouth Big Data Hub Logo

South Big Data Hub DataStart Highlights

As a result of the CCC / CRA Industry Academic Survey, conducted in spring of 2015 and the CCC Industry Roundtable Discussion held on July 24, 2015, the CCC partnered with the four NSF-sponsored Big Data Regional Innovation Hubs (BD Hubs) for a program on industry-academic collaboration. Each Hub is charged with addressing regional specific big data challenges. Areas of emphasis for the South BD hub include coastal hazards, industrial big data, and health analytics, among others.

As one of its CCC-sponsored activities, the South BD Hub ran the DataStart internship program, which paired graduate students from the South Regional Innovation Hub with data-related startup companies for three months.

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NSF/CISE Continues to Lead Efforts to Spur Data Science Innovation

The Big Data Regional Innovation Hubs (BD Hubs) program continues and scales up the innovation activities initiated by the White House in 2012 with the National Big Data Research and Development Initiative. The overarching vision for the network of BD Hubs is to create an agile and sustainable national Big Data innovation ecosystem that enables the United States to better leverage Big Data technologies and techniques in addressing societal challenges, increasing productivity and spurring economic development, enhancing scientific discovery, and providing for national defense and security.