Tag Archive: CRA-E


CRA-E Rolls Out New Site to Help Students Understand Pathways into Computing Research

By Julia Sepulveda Avalos (Program Associate, CRA-E), Kelly Shaw (CRA-E Co-Chair), Lori Pollock (CRA-E Co-Chair), Janet Davis (CRA-E Board), Steven Swanson (CRA-E Board), and Amy Ko (CRA-E Board) The Computing Research Association’s Education Committee (CRA-E) recently launched a new website: Student Pathways into Research in Computing (SPARC).  The SPARC website is a resource for people […]


CRA-E Welcomes Three New Board Members

By the CRA-E Committee   The CRA Education Committee (CRA-E) is excited to announce that Renee Bryce, Dorian Arnold, and Stacy Branham joined as board members. The CRA-E board would also like to recognize and extend their gratitude to Emeritus member Amy Ko, who recently completed her service on the board. Amy was instrumental in […]


2024 Outstanding Undergraduate Researchers Award: Nominations Open September 12

By Julia Sepulveda Avalos, Program Associate, CRA-E   Each year, CRA celebrates and recognizes undergraduates who demonstrate outstanding potential in an area of computing research through the Undergraduate Research Awards (URA). We encourage faculty to nominate undergraduate researchers who demonstrate strong interest in and commitment to contributing to the field. Award recipients will receive financial […]


Nanette Veilleux, William Wang, and Yi-Chieh (Jessica) Wu Receive the 2023 CRA-E Undergraduate Research Faculty Mentoring Award

The Education Committee of the Computing Research Association (CRA-E) is proud to announce three recipients of the 2023 CRA-E Undergraduate Research Faculty Mentoring Award: Nanette Veilleux from Simmons University, William Wang from University of California, Santa Barbara, and Yi-Chieh (Jessica) Wu from Harvey Mudd College.

These outstanding individuals are being recognized for providing exceptional mentorship, undergraduate research experiences, and, in parallel, guidance on admission and matriculation of their students to research-focused graduate programs in computing.