Tag Archive: Cybersecurity

Join the Conversation: Shaping the Future of Cybersecurity and Storage Technologies

By Helen Wright, Manager, CRA-I At the Computing Research Association – Industry (CRA-I), we have launched a new initiative to explore two critical areas shaping the computing industry: enterprise cybersecurity and storage technologies. This project aims to generate key insights and recommendations that address specific challenges in both fields, ultimately guiding research and industry efforts […]

Moshe VardiMoshe Vardi

Senior Editor of Communications of the ACM, Moshe Vardi, Shares Concern Over Lack of Incentive Structure in Cybersecurity

Moshe Y. Vardi, Computer Science Professor at Rice University and Senior Editor of Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), wrote an article in the November 2022 issue of the Communications of the ACM magazine, Accountability and Liability in Computing. The article articulates his concerns for the slow progress and lack of conclusive knowledge on how to build secure information systems. Vardi speculates the issue is not due to a lack of technical advancements but a lack of incentives encouraging hardware security developments and solutions. It is becoming vital to address this “market failure” as we become more reliant on technical systems and become increasingly vulnerable to cyberattacks.

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Sociotechnical Cybersecurity Workshop Call For White Papers

The Computing Community Consortium (CCC) will be sponsoring a visioning activity on Sociotechnical Cybersecurity. As a part of this effort, the workshop organizing committee has released a call for white papers in order to both assist us in organizing the workshop and in selecting attendees. Authors of informative and well-crafted white papers may be invited to the Sociotechnical Cybersecurity workshop.