This article is published in the September 2013 issue.

Nominations Open for 2014 CRA Award for Outstanding Undergraduate Researchers

ug-awardThe Computing Research Association is pleased to announce the annual CRA Award for Outstanding Undergraduate Researchers, which recognizes undergraduate students in North American colleges and universities who show outstanding research potential in an area of computing research. The award is a terrific way to recognize your best student researchers and your department.

Eligible nominees are enrolled as undergraduates in a North American college or university throughout the academic year September 2013 to May 2014. They must be nominated by two faculty members and recommended by the chair of their home department. No more than two male and two female candidates can be recommended by the same department chair in the same year. The deadline for nominations is Friday, October 25, 2013.

A cash prize of $1,000 will be awarded to each of two undergraduate students, one female and one male. A small number of other outstanding candidates will be recognized as Runners-Up and Finalists. All nominees whose work is considered to be exemplary are recognized with Honorable Mentions.

Everything you need to nominate a candidate – instructions and the nomination form – is available at:

Microsoft Research and Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs (MERL) sponsor the Outstanding Undergraduate Researchers Award Program in alternate years. The 2014 award is being sponsored by MERL.

Please share this information with your faculty who may have promising students to nominate.

Nominations Open for 2014 CRA Award for Outstanding Undergraduate Researchers