Call for CCC Council Nominations
The Computing Community Consortium (CCC) is charged with catalyzing and empowering the U.S. computing research community to articulate and advance major research directions for the field. To do so, the CCC needs truly visionary leaders — people with great ideas, sound judgment, and the willingness to work hard to see things to completion. Please help the computing community by nominating such people for the Council.
Established in 2006 through a cooperative agreement between the U.S. National Science Foundation and the Computing Research Association (CRA) — representing over 220 North American academic departments, industrial research labs, and professional societies with computing research interests, the CCC provides a voice for the national computing research community, and facilitates the development of a bold, multi-themed vision for computing research, and communicates that vision to a wide range of major stakeholders.
For more information about the CCC, please visit our website and blog.
The work of the CCC is carried out by an active and engaged Council, currently led by Greg Hager (Johns Hopkins University) as Chair and Beth Mynatt (Georgia Tech) as Vice Chair. The members of the Council are appointed by CRA in consultation with NSF, with staggered three-year terms. In the aggregate, the Council must reflect the full breadth of the computing research community — research area, institutional character, geographic diversity, etc. The CCC is staffed by a full-time director, Ann Drobnis.
The CCC’s Nominating Subcommittee invites nominations (including self-nominations) for members to serve on the CCC Council for the next three years, beginning July 1, 2015.
Please send nominations, together with the information below, to by 11:59pm EST on Thursday, February 6, 2015. The subcommittee’s recommendations will serve as input to CRA and NSF, who will make the final selection.
- Name, affiliation, and email address of the nominee.
- Areas of research expertise.
- Previous significant service to the research community and other relevant experience, with years it occurred (no more than *five* items).
- A brief biography or curriculum vitae of the nominee.
- A statement from the nominee of less than one page, supporting his or her nomination by describing his or her ideas for, and commitment to, advancing the work of the CCC in encouraging new research directions, engaging broader communities, and finding wider funding sources.