CCC Welcomes New Council Members and Leadership

CCC Council, March 2016
July 1st starts a new term at CCC!
The new Computing Community Consortium (CCC) leadership, Elizabeth Mynatt and Mark Hill will assume their roles as Chair and Vice Chair respectively for two-years, while Greg Hager is stepping down after two years as Chair. The other members of the CCC Executive Committee include Jennifer Rexford, Princeton University, and Ben Zorn, Microsoft Research.
In addition to a new Exec Committee, four new CCC Council members will us join us for the start of their three-year terms, Sampath Kannan, University of Pennsylvania, Maja Matarić, University of Southern California, Nina Mishra, Amazon Research, and Holly Rushmeier, Yale University.
The CCC and CRA thank Greg Hager and those Council members whose terms ended yesterday for their exceptional dedication and service to the CCC and to the broader computing research community:
- Limor Fix, Formerly Intel
- Tal Rabin, IBM Research
- Daniela Rus, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Ross Whitaker, University of Utah
The CCC Council is comprised of 20 members who have expertise in diverse areas of computing. They are instrumental in leading CCC’s visioning programs, which help create and enable visions for future computing research. Members serve staggered three-year terms that rotate every July.