This article is published in the November 2022 issue.

Undergraduate BPC Literature Database Launch

The Momentum team at UCLA and Computing Research Association (CRA) are excited to announce the launch of the Undergraduate BPC Literature Database that compiles scholarship on broadening participation in undergraduate computing. As a research tool, this database was created by Momentum for use by the broader BPC community to support efforts to address equity gaps within computing, especially for women and students from minoritized groups. To assist in these goals, the database compiles relevant peer-reviewed literature from the past 17 years that spans a variety of epistemological and methodological orientations with diverse sets of objectives. The focus of the included papers ranges from the implementation and evaluation of BPC interventions to theoretical pieces around broader social forces that cause longstanding inequalities in computing.

We invite you to utilize this new tool and hope that you’ll find it helpful in your efforts toward broadening participation in computing. If you’d like to suggest an article to be added to the Undergraduate BPC Literature Database or have general feedback, please fill out this form. Resource Portal is an initiative of the Computing Research Association (CRA) with support from the National Science Foundation (CNS-1830364, CNS-2032231, and CNS-1940460). Subscribe to the newsletter and bulletin by clicking here.