Archive of articles published in the 2011 issue.

CRA Hosts Tisdale Fellow

Max Cho, a junior at Yale University studying cognitive science, spent eight weeks learning about science and technology policy in Washington through his work with the CRA Government Affairs staff and the Computing Community Consortium, and from the other Tisdale Fellows.

House Appropriators Approve Small Bump to NSF Research in FY12

While Congress worked to pass a last-minute debt-limit deal that could spell deep cuts for federal science agencies in FY13, members of the House Appropriations Committee approved legislation in mid-July that would provide a slight increase in research funding at the National Science Foundation in FY12, but cuts to education efforts at the Foundation and other science agencies within the bill.

A CIFellow’s Perspective: “Becoming a Better Researcher”

During his presentation at the CIFellows Research Meeting & Career Mentoring Workshop in December1, Microsoft’s Peter Lee shared his motivations for creating the program. Beyond giving recent PhDs an opportunity to remain in academia during a time when obtaining an academic job is more difficult than usual, he saw the program as a way to “create a cadre of highly independent computing researchers.”

Teaching the Parallel Future: Finding Promise in a Sea of Cores

The recent National Academies report, “The Future of Computing Performance: Game Over or Next Level?” lays out several broad landscape changes computing researchers must address to sustain growth in system performance. Indeed, we hear about little else in the parade of articles, op-eds, and conference sessions these days. Opinions vary from “We solved this 30 years ago” to “It will all blow over” to “The sky is falling.” For the computing community at large, this is clearly a significant challenge.

Undergraduate CS Degree Production Rises; Doctoral Production Steady

The CRA Taulbee Survey is conducted annually by the Computing Research Association to document trends in student enrollment, degree production, employment of graduates, and faculty salaries in Ph.D.-granting departments of computer science (CS), computer engineering (CE) and information (I)2 in the United States and Canada. This article and the accompanying figures and tables present the results of the 40th annual CRA Taulbee Survey.

Wing and Lickel Recognized for Service

The CRA Board of Directors has selected Jeannette M. Wing, President’s Professor of Computer Science and Head, Computer Science Department, Carnegie Mellon University, to receive its 2011 Distinguished Service Award. The award will be presented to Professor Wing at the ACM Awards Banquet in San Jose on June 4.

NSF-CCC Workshop Explores Sustainability & IT

About 60 leading researchers, program managers, and others gathered in Washington, DC, on February 3-4, 2011, to discuss new fundamental computing research opportunities that will arise as the nation and world seek long-term sustainable technologies and behaviors. This two-day meeting (, co-sponsored by NSF’s CISE Directorate and the Computing Community Consortium, sought to go beyond routine uses of information technology to identify high-risk, high-reward research directions in sustainability that, as yet, may not have received adequate attention or funding.