Archive of articles published in the 2020 issue.

Computing Research at AAAS

AAAS holds an annual meeting to foster a better understanding of science by the press and the public. The CCC has been increasing CS presence at the annual meeting, and you too can submit your ideas to present next year by April 16th, 2020.


2020 Board of Directors Election Slate; Nominees By Petition Sought

CRA is pleased to announce the 2020 Election Committee’s slate of nominees for the CRA Board. CRA also encourages nominations by petition. Petition nominations must be signed by the Designated Voting Representatives of at least five Constituent Member Organizations that are current in dues payment.

Important dates and events:
• On March 6, 2020, final ballots will be distributed to all CRA department chairs and lab directors. Each will have one vote for each open slot on the board.
• On March 31, 2020, completed ballots must be returned to CRA.
• In early April, the election results will be announced.


CRA Conference at Snowbird Program Update

This year’s CRA Conference at Snowbird will highlight computing’s potential for social good and the related responsibility for computing research to consider the risks inherent in the work we do. Topics include social impact, positive and negative externalities, risks and opportunities, and responsibility.

Track themes:
Track 1: Computing Departments
Track 2: Computing Education
Track 3: Computing Research in Industry
Track 4: Tech for Good

UTEP recipientsUTEP recipients

Expanding the Pipeline – The 2019 CMD-IT University Award Best Practices

The 2019 CMD-IT University Award for Retention of Minorities and Students with Disabilities in Computer Science was presented on September 19, 2019, at the 2019 ACM Richard Tapia Celebration of Diversity in Computing Conference in San Diego, CA. The third annual award was presented to the University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP).
The annual CMD-IT University Award recognizes US institutions that have demonstrated a commitment and shown results for increasing the computer science baccalaureate degree production of minorities and students with disabilities, through effective retention programs over the last five years. The award is focused on the following underrepresented groups: African-Americans, Native Americans, Hispanics, and people with disabilities. Introduced at the 2017 ACM Richard Tapia Celebration of Diversity in Computing Conference, the two previous award winners are Georgia Institute of Technology (2017) and the University of North Carolina at Charlotte (2018).

Thumbnail for CERP infographicThumbnail for CERP infographic

One Year Later, CERP Data Still Indicate REU Participation Relates to Graduate School Enrollment

Analyzing data collected graduating computing students during the spring of 2018, CERP replicated findings indicating that students with formal research experience are more likely to apply to graduate school and enroll in doctoral programs compared to students without any formal research experiences during their undergraduate program.

New Book Released on Computing at the National Science Foundation

A book which details the history of computing at NSF, Computing and the National Science Foundation 1950-2016: Building a Foundation for Modern Computing was recently published.

The book was authored by three former CRA Board Members W. Richards “Rick” Adrion, former CRA Executive Director Bill Aspray, and Peter Freeman, who was an original signer of CRA’s articles of incorporation.