2020 Conference at Snowbird Agenda Update
Dear CRA Members,
CRA continues to monitor the situation concerning COVID-19 and its potential impact on our upcoming CRA’s Conference at Snowbird, July 21-23, 2020. At the moment, the circumstances remain too uncertain for us to make any decisions about whether the conference will take place as planned.
We believe there is great value in bringing together the leadership of the computing research community in-person at Snowbird and will do all that we can to make that happen this July. But, obviously, health and safety concerns are paramount and we plan to heed Federal, State and local guidance about travel and public gatherings.
While we are not yet sure when we will make the decision to go ahead with the conference as in the past or modify it in some form, our intention is to decide with sufficient time for those who plan to attend to make their arrangements. Until then, it may be worthwhile to hold off on making travel plans.
If you have any questions about the conference, please direct them to snowbird@cra.org.
This year’s CRA Conference at Snowbird will highlight computing’s potential for social good and the related responsibility for computing research to consider the risks inherent in the work we do. Topics include social impact, positive and negative externalities, risks and opportunities, and responsibility.
Track themes:
Track 1: Computing Departments
Track 2: Computing Education
Track 3: Computing Research in Industry
Track 4: Tech for Good