Tag Archive: CCC

Articles relevant to the Computing Community Consortium.

Building Resilience to Climate Driven Extreme Events with Computing Innovations Report Released by the CCC

The Computing Community Consortium (CCC) has submitted a community report to the National Science Foundation (NSF) for a new Convergence Accelerator track on the topic of “Building Resilience to Climate Driven Extreme Events with Computing Innovations”.

The NSF’s Convergence Accelerator program, which was launched in 2019, aims to bring together researchers from diverse disciplines to collaborate on and expedite solutions to outstanding societal problems. Every year the Convergence Accelerator program accepts proposals from the community to identify Convergence Accelerator tracks for the next year. The NSF then funds workshops on some of these research tracks to allow these ideas to be fleshed out among researchers from various backgrounds. The CCC was selected to run a community workshop based on a proposal to NSF.    

Fostering Responsible Computing Research White Paper Released

Recently, Computing Community Consortium (CCC) released a white paper, “Fostering Responsible Computing Research Report Recommendations for Computing Research Institutions: Actionable Steps,” which outlines the conclusions of the report, and presents a few community-generated ideas about implementing its findings at computing institutions. It is crucial that the computing community takes the findings of the report seriously, and takes immediate steps to compute more ethically and sustainably. Taking these intentional steps does not require computing researchers to become experts in ethics nor social and behavioral sciences. The focus should be on developing fundamental knowledge of and appreciation for responsible computing methods and approaches in the talent pool of students and researchers, which will require significant adjustments to the status quo.

The paper also describes CRA’s recently formed Socially Responsible Computing Working Group, which will advise the CRA Board on research ethics procedures, best practices for calls for papers and manuscript review, and sustainability issues in computing.

CCC CouncilCCC Council

CCC Council Member Nominations Open

To fulfill its mission, the CCC seeks visionary leaders — people with great ideas, sound judgment, and the willingness to work collaboratively to see things through to completion. The Council is composed of 23 researchers representing the breadth and diversity of computing today. 

Please help the computing community by nominating outstanding colleagues for the Council.

CCC’s 2022 Highlights

The CCC would like to give a special thanks to everyone from the community for their support and participation over the past year. We accomplished a lot of important work in 2022, including getting back to in-person events. Our accomplishments could not have been done without our community volunteers and participants. Please see some of CCC’s highlights from 2022 in this article or on the CCC webpage.


CI Fellow Richard Canevez on the Ukraine Crisis and Expressions of Dissent through Social Informatics

When Computing Community Consortium (CCC) approached me to put together a blog post about the evolution of my research, I was excited for the opportunity, but also apprehensive about the topic. This is, on the one hand, writing about the research funded by CCC through the CI Fellows program that I hope will serve as more than a mere status report and instead provide thoughts and guidance for future CI Fellows postdocs, however vague the thoughts and guidance may be. On the other hand, it is not just my story, but a story collectively told across multiple scholars and nations about war, resilience, and the scholarship and scholars’ place within the geo-political milieu.

Nadya BlissNadya Bliss

Vice Chair of the CCC, Dr. Nadya Bliss is Appointed to the National Academies’ Climate Security Roundtable

The Computing Community Consortium would like to congratulate the Vice Chair of the CCC, Dr. Nadya Bliss, on her appointment to the National Academies’ Climate Security Roundtable.

In January of 2021, Congress voted to direct the National Academies to establish the Climate Security Roundtable, which will provide expert support to the federal Climate Security Advisory Council (CSAC) in foreseeing and preventing climate security crises from escalating into issues of national security. This roundtable will facilitate conversations and collaboration surrounding a number of topics, including dissemination of relevant climate change data and information, discussion of understudied risks associated with climate change, improvements to existing climate change models and simulations, and any other capabilities or developments considered essential by the CSAC. The Climate Security Roundtable is comprised of experts in academia, industry, and civil society and will operate through September of 2025.

Moshe VardiMoshe Vardi

Senior Editor of Communications of the ACM, Moshe Vardi, Shares Concern Over Lack of Incentive Structure in Cybersecurity

Moshe Y. Vardi, Computer Science Professor at Rice University and Senior Editor of Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), wrote an article in the November 2022 issue of the Communications of the ACM magazine, Accountability and Liability in Computing. The article articulates his concerns for the slow progress and lack of conclusive knowledge on how to build secure information systems. Vardi speculates the issue is not due to a lack of technical advancements but a lack of incentives encouraging hardware security developments and solutions. It is becoming vital to address this “market failure” as we become more reliant on technical systems and become increasingly vulnerable to cyberattacks.


Building Resilience to Climate Driven Extreme Events with Computing Innovations: A Convergence Accelerator Workshop

The Computing Community Consortium recently held a two-part workshop, “Building Resilience to Climate Driven Extreme Events with Computing Innovations”. The second workshop in the series was a virtual webinar open to the public on November 10th, 2022. The goal of the second workshop was to brainstorm and build upon the framing set out in the “pre-workshop”. Workshop participants were split into break out groups by impact area to discuss findings and identify additional research thrusts, impact areas, and cross-cutting principles.

Accessible Technology for AllAccessible Technology for All

CRA Workshop on “Accessible Technology for All”

CRA is planning an Accessible Technology for All workshop co-hosted by CRA-Industry (CRA-I), Computing Community Consortium (CCC), and CRA-Widening Participation (CRA-WP) on February 22-23, 2023 in Washington, DC. This workshop is one of the activities CRA is currently pursuing under the umbrella of Socially Responsible Computing, one of the topics identified in the recent CRA Strategic Planning Effort.

The purpose of this workshop is to convene academic, industry, and government representatives to vision ways to make all technology accessible and why that is important and necessary for society as a whole. If you are interested in learning more about this workshop or other activities, please reach out to industryinfo@cra.org and let us know. This workshop will be in-person only with no hybrid option. Individual invitations will be sent out to community members before the end of the year.

NSF Announces New Awards to Fund the Prediction and Prevention of Pandemics

The National Science Foundation announced a series of grants as a part of their new Predictive Intelligence for Pandemic Prevention (PIPP) program. The quick onset, mass devastation, and unpredictability of new strands and waves of contagion with COVID-19 taught us just how unprepared we were to face a global pandemic. Nearly $26 million in new awards will be used to support “high-risk, high-payoff convergent research that aims to identify, model, predict, track and mitigate the effects of future pandemics.