Tag Archive: Expanding the Pipeline

“Expanding the Pipeline” is a regular column in Computing Research News. The column serves both as a vehicle for describing projects and issues related to women and underrepresented groups in computing. The column is guest-authored by individuals who share their insight and experiences from their active participation in programs designed to involve women, minorities, and persons with disabilities in education and research. Patty Lopez is the column editor.

Expanding the Pipeline: An Ecosystem for the Integration of AI in Education

By Thomas K. F. Chiu, Chinese University of Hong Kong Integrating AI into education might worsen educational inequality, which depends on educator and learner AI competency, as well as the quality of AI educational technology. AI applications have the potential to su  pport learner self-regulated learning.  However, most of these applications, like ChatGPT and Midjourney, […]

Expanding the Pipeline: Hack Your Way to an Undergraduate Research Group

By Brian Harrington, University of Toronto Scarborough Involving undergraduate students in research can improve their academic performance, raise their self-esteem, and make them more likely to consider graduate school. Starting an undergraduate research group, especially for a teaching-stream faculty, can feel like a daunting task that requires lots of time, energy, and money. But with […]

Expanding the Pipeline: Will ChatGPT Expand Diversity in Computing? We don’t think so. Reasons for Concern and Paths Forward

By Lamia Youseff, Ph.D. with the help of Claude 3 Sonnet Since the launch of ChatGPT, there has been immense public interest in how AI may disrupt industries, replace some human workers and even create new jobs. Like any transformative technology, the recent rise of large language models (LLMs) and generative AI has sparked both […]

Expanding Career Pipelines by Unhiding the Hidden Curriculum of University Computing Majors

by Philip Guo, Associate Professor of Cognitive Science, UC San Diego Everyone who attends college learns a formal curriculum by taking classes, but there is also a hidden curriculum just beneath the surface of their college experience. This hidden curriculum consists of the “unspoken lessons, norms, values, and perspectives that impact learning and academic performance. […]

Expanding the Pipeline: “Regular” CS x Inclusive Design

By Rosalinda Garcia (Oregon State University), Margaret Burnett (Oregon State University), and Patricia Morreale (Kean University)  What happens if CS faculty teach inclusive design skills throughout core undergraduate CS courses? What might the outcomes of an integrated contiguous experience be? Funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), we have developed a new broadening participation in […]

Figure 2: Empowerment of People with Disabilities Panel with Shaun Kane, Moderator Ather Sharif, Susan Rodger, and Raja KushalnagarFigure 2: Empowerment of People with Disabilities Panel with Shaun Kane, Moderator Ather Sharif, Susan Rodger, and Raja Kushalnagar

Expanding the Pipeline: The CRA-WP 2023 IDEALS Workshop

The CRA-WP 2023 Grad Cohort Workshop for Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Accessibility, and Leadership Skills (IDEALS) was held in Honolulu, Hawaii March 23-25.  The workshop is part of an effort to widen the participation, access, opportunities, and experience of individuals in computing research by building and mentoring nationwide communities throughout their graduate studies. The workshop has […]


Expanding the Research Pipeline – An update on Scaling the Early Research Scholars Program

The Early Research Scholars Program (ERSP), founded by Christine Alvarado in the Computer Science Department at UC San Diego (UCSD), provides authentic research experiences to early undergraduates over one academic year. Since its inception in 2014, the program has transformed the landscape of undergraduate research at UC San Diego by significantly broadening access to research among early students, with over 350 student participants, 60% of whom identify as women or non-binary, and 22% as Black, Latinx, or Native American students. Further, ERSP has retained most participants (97% since the program matured).

Expanding the Pipeline: Distributed REsearch Apprenticeships for Master’s (DREAM)

The Distributed REsearch Apprenticeships for Master’s (DREAM) is a pilot NSF program being offered by a nationwide consortium of colleges and universities that have created “bridge to MS in CS” programs for students with non-CS bachelor’s degrees.  Schools in the MSCS Pathways to Computing Consortium provide a new pathway for people who studied something other than CS as undergraduates to enter the tech field.  The strong emphasis of this effort is to provide a new pathway into computing for individuals from populations historically minoritized in tech (women, LGBQTIA, Black/African American, Hispanic/Latino, Native American/Hawaiian/Alaskan/Asian Pacific Islander students, and students with disabilities). Consortium members sign a membership agreement that, among other things, confirms their commitment to increasing the diversity of their graduate programs.  Students in these Consortium pathways come from a wide array of undergraduate backgrounds that span the STEM disciplines, humanities, social sciences, business, and the arts.


Expanding the Pipeline: Addressing the distribution of prior experience in CS1

Imagine you walk into Japanese 101 and on the first day the professor asks, “Has anyone taken Japanese before?” and everyone raises their hand but you and a handful of other students. Imagine then that your classmates not only raise their hands but respond to the professor in Japanese!  At age 18, I would have been intimidated and likely would have dropped the class.  This is how many of our students feel in the first course for computing majors – overwhelmed by the sense that they are already behind when in theory they have only just begun.

The trouble is that prior experience in CS is not uniformly distributed across all genders, races and ethnicities, and further CS is only offered in approximately half of U.S. high schools (with more of those high schools in regions of economic privilege).  Thus, the individuals experiencing the first course required for a computing major (CS1) in this way are more likely to be from less privileged geographies and from genders and races/ethnicities historically marginalized in tech.

It is imperative that computing departments address the distribution of prior experience in coding, but how they respond will depend on the context of the department and the university. In this article, we outline five of the more popular approaches, illustrating the contexts in which they work best, and possible pitfalls.

Image of a tree with colorful branchesImage of a tree with colorful branches

Expanding the Pipeline: The Context, Importance, and Experience of Writing Departmental BPC Plans

Efforts to increase participation from minoritized communities has been going on in earnest for over a decade. Unfortunately, we have yet to expand the group of faculty and staff engaged in these activities and have only made a marginal difference in who is studying computing. This article discusses BPC Plans as an attempt to supplement and scale-up the computing community’s efforts to address the issue of lack of diversity in computing.