This article is published in the October 2022 issue.

CRA’s CV Database: Now open for 2022-23 recruiting season

Please forward this announcement to all Ph.D. students in your department who are set to graduate this academic year.

As a first step to address recruiting challenges in the computing research community, the Computing Research Association (CRA) launched the CV Database initiative in Fall 2018. This initiative provides a database of candidates for academic and industrial/government laboratory research positions, and it is searchable by most CRA member institutions.

In the three years of the program, the number of CVs submitted to the database has continued to increase. Last year the CV Database received 191 completed applications. The CV Database was then actively queried by several members of CRA who were looking to recruit new members to their department and/or lab.

The CV Database is accessed at Recruiters are actively using the database, so please encourage all of your PhD students who are actively looking for academic or industrial/government laboratory research positions to post their applications. To obtain the highest benefit, we encourage students post their CV by November 1st (latest).