Published: February 2015,  Issue: Vol. 27/No.2, Download as PDF

Archive of articles published in the February 2015, Vol. 27/No.2 issue.

February Announcements

CRA Staff Tours the Computer Science Department at Johns Hopkins University and Congratulations to Daniela Rus (CCC Council Member) who was recently named to the National Academy of Engineering for contributions to distributed robotic systems.

Extensible Distributed Systems Workshop

Imagine slipping into a presentation that has already started and finding a seat in the back. The speaker is pointing at her slides explaining the diagram but you can barely hear her from the back of the room. All the sudden your cell phone, which you had placed on the table when you took your seat, begins to project the speaker’s voice. Now you can watch the speaker and hear her without any problems.

Big Data Science at Johns Hopkins

Last year Johns Hopkins University (JHU) started the Institute for Data Intensive Engineering and Science (IDIES, pronounced as “Ideas”), promoting the use of large data sets for scientific discovery across the whole university. IDIES spansAnchor the Schools of Arts and Sciences, Engineering, Public Health, and Medicine. Hopkins president Ron Daniels and several deans have dedicated 10 new faculty positions to IDIES, all encouraging interdisciplinary research related to Big Data in science. Currently, IDIES has more than 80 faculty associates.

Disseminating CERP Research Findings to Promote Diversity in Computing and Other STEM Fields

Two years since its inception, CRA’s Center for Evaluating the Research Pipeline (CERP) has proven to be a valuable resource for the computing community. CERP’s benchmark survey research mechanism, the Data Buddies Project, generates reliably large and diverse datasets pertaining to computing students’ experiences in their degree programs. CERP’s data had originally been slated primarily for “comparative evaluation” purposes; students’ experiences gleaned from survey data are pitted against each other as a function of whether or not they have participated in a given professional development program. Since August 2014, CERP’s data have been harnessed for a second purpose, which is to conduct basic social science research on issues of diversity of computing. This new focus is supported by a new grant awarded to CRA: NSF DUE-1431112, Promoting a Diverse Computing Workforce: Using National Survey Data to Understand Persistence Across Undergraduate Student Groups, which was written and is overseen by CERP Director, Jane Stout.