Videos Now Available from the CRA Summit on Technology and Jobs
On December 12, 2017, CRA hosted the Summit on Technology and Jobs in Washington, DC. The day was packed with sessions that explored issues surrounding the impact of artificial intelligence and the future of work. Leading technologists, economists, and policy experts offered their views on where technology is headed and what its impact may be, and on policy issues raised by these projections and possible policy responses. The summit was hosted by CRA, as part of its mission to engage the computing research community to provide trusted, non-partisan input to policy thinkers and makers.
The event was livestreamed and videos from the event are now available here. Slides are also available on the event’s agenda page.
A few highlights from the workshop include:

Workshop Organizer Moshi Vardi, Rice University
Workshop Organizer Moshe Vardi, Rice University
“We [computing researchers] created this technology; we must accept our social responsibility. We may not come up with the solutions, but we should be participating in the discussions.”
Deborah Wince-Smith, US Council on Competitiveness
“This is a time of unprecedented disruption as intelligent systems interface with humans, change their jobs and change the patterns of societies.”
Andrew McAfee, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
“What is going on with technology, jobs, and wages? The most important phenomenon about the American workforce is that we’re seeing a polarization or ‘hollowing out’ of the workforce.”
Mark Campbell, Cornell University
Autonomous Vehicle Technology has potential for great impact on the economy. How our lives will change, what jobs will be impacted. When will this happen? The main question on everyone’s mind is how quickly will this technology mature and be adopted.

Vint Cerf, Google
Vint Cerf, Google
Cerf shared his thoughts on topics brought up during earlier sessions. He shared his areas of concern surrounding the increase in use of autonomous software including bugs in the software, safety, security, and privacy.
Edward Felton, Princeton University
Felton worked on several Obama administration White House policy initiatives in AI that resulted in two reports – “Preparing for the Future of Artificial Intelligence”, and “Artificial Intelligence, Automation and the Economy.”
Moderator: Kristin Sharp, New America
Kevin Carey, New America
Mark Minevich, Council of Competitiveness
Mark Muro, Brookings Institute
Beth Mynatt, Georgia Institute of Technology
James Pethokoukis, American Enterprise Institute
Sharp moderated a panel of speakers who provided a variety of perspectives and discussed issues surrounding education, trends on how AI is changing our lifestyle, the design of AI systems, and more.
Check out all 17 of the videos here. The event was sponsored by:
Arnold & Porter Kay Scholer
Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence
Association for Computing Machinery
Association for Computing Machinery — SIGAI
Computing Research Association
Future of Life Institute
IEEE Computer Society
Microsoft Research
Rice University (Baker Institute, Kennedy Institute, Kinder Institute, Scientia)
Two Sigma
USENIX Association