Published: November 2022, Issue: Vol. 34/No.10, Download as PDF

Archive of articles published in the November 2022, Vol. 34/No.10 issue.

CRA Update: Keeping you in the know

Attention Faculty: Support broadening participation in computing efforts by encouraging eligible graduate students to apply for the 2023 CRA-WP Graduate Cohort Workshops. Applications for both workshops are now being accepted and will close on November 30, 2022.

Grad Cohort IDEALS
The CRA-WP Grad Cohort Workshop for Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Accessibility, and Leadership Skills (GC-IDEALS) will take place March 23-25, 2023 at The ‘Alohilani Resort Waikiki Beach in Honolulu, HI.

Grad Cohort for Women
The Grad Cohort Workshop for Women (GC-Women) will be held April 20-22, 2023 at The Palace Hotel in San Francisco, CA.


Upcoming Deadlines

Are You Working on the Taulbee Survey?
The CRA Taulbee Survey is in progress.
The deadline for the salary section is December 2, 2022.
Mid-January 2023 : Preliminary salary report available to participants.
January 27, 2023: Due date for the main Taulbee section.

Other Upcoming Deadlines

November 25, 2022 – CRA-E Undergraduate Research Faculty Mentoring Award Nomination Deadline
November 30, 2022 –  Grad Cohort for Women Application Deadline
November 30, 2022 –  Grad Cohort for Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Accessibility, and Leadership Skills – IDEALS Workshop Application Deadline

December 16, 2022 – CRA Board of Directors Nomination Deadline

January 19, 2023 – CRA-E Graduate Fellows Program  Nomination Deadline
January 27, 2023 – Distinguished Service Award Nomination Deadline
January 27, 2023 – A. Nico Habermann Award Nomination Deadline

Fall 22 CoverFall 22 Cover

2022 CRA Academic Member Book Released

Published online each fall, the CRA Academic Member Book highlights institutions that are member departments of CRA. Each academic member department is invited to submit a one page pdf about their department. Thanks to all the departments that took the time to prepare a submission.

This year’s book is available at:

This initiative started in 2017, and previous year books are available at:


Candidates Sought for CRA Board of Directors

The Computing Research Association seeks your help in recruiting candidates for its Board of Directors. We want individuals who have time, energy, initiative, and resources to work on CRA issues on behalf of the entire CRA community. We have a working Board, and all members are expected to work on community issues.

Members of the computing research community who are interested in serving on the CRA Board should nominate themselves by completing this form by December 16, 2022.  Nominees do not need to be affiliated with a CRA member organization.

area scatterarea scatter

Outcomes of Advertised Computer Science Faculty Searches for 2022

This work directly follows previous work that analyzed current and future Computer Science needs via advertised tenure-track faculty searches for 2022.  This follow-on work looked to understand the relative success of institutions in hiring the tenured/tenure-track faculty in the areas of Computer Science that were being sought.  This work also follows on a similar study of tenure-track faculty hiring outcomes last done in the pre-Covid impacted year of 2019. Survey respondents reported filling a total of 289 tenure-track faculty for an aggregate success rate of 76%, which is comparable to the 2019 study. 

View the full report at:

Lisa AminiLisa Amini

Lisa Amini (IBM) Joins CRA-Industry Steering Committee

CRA-Industry (CRA-I) is delighted to announce that Lisa Amini (IBM Research) has joined the CRA-I Steering Committee. Amini was a panelist in the CRA-I roundtable on Computing Research in Industry on November 9th, 2022. You can view the recording from the event here. If you have any comments or questions about the roundtable, please let us know here.

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Industry Report from CRA’s Conference at Snowbird

One of the tracks during the July 2022 Computing Research Association’s (CRA) flagship conference at Snowbird, Utah was “ Computing in Industry,” which covered how research is conducted in industry and the partnership between industry and academia. This fall CRA-Industry (CRA-I) has been processing the discussions, slides, and notes from this track and our Inaugural CRA-I Meeting at Snowbird. We are pleased to release a report highlighting the common themes that emerged. It is clear that there is a much needed role for CRA-I in the community. The presentations and subsequent discussions showcased where the industry community is right now and what needs to be worked on with CRA-I’s help.


CRA-E’s Undergraduate Research Highlights: Why am I seeing this ad? User experience research to make privacy more accessible

This Q&A highlight features Ellie Young, an Honorable Mention in the 2022 CRA Outstanding Undergraduate Researchers award program. Ellie graduated from New College of Florida and is now a Societal Computing Ph.D. student at Carnegie Mellon University. This interview has been edited for length and clarity.

Congratulations on your Honorable Mention! How did you first join the project you were recognized for?

As a computer science student, I was staring down the possibility of spending life after graduation making widgets for a huge corporate machine, unintentionally complicit in societal harm. I felt an obligation to do work with as little potential to hurt people as possible. Having really enjoyed a class in usable privacy and security and an initial research experience at my home institution, I applied to research programs, mainly in privacy/security and human-computer interaction. I also applied to the Research Experience for Undergraduates in Software Engineering (REUSE) at Carnegie Mellon University after a classmate recommended it. REUSE offered me a position working in the exact sub-area of usable privacy and security I was most excited about!