Tag Archive: Undergraduate Students

NSF CISE REU 2023 Annual Report: Student Characteristics of REU Participants

By Brendan Kane, Research Associate In an effort to keep the computing community informed of latest research on formal research experiences, the CRA Center for Evaluating the Research Pipeline (CERP) recently released an annual report on the summer 2023 data collection efforts from undergraduate students in formal research experiences such as NSF CISE REU Sites […]

CRA Expands Resources for the Computing Community Through the UR2PhD Program

By Julia Sepulveda, Senior Program Associate, CRA-E CRA’s UR2PhD program is committed to building capacity in computer science by providing students, mentors, and departments with the tools needed to support undergraduate research. Recognizing that systemic change requires access to knowledge, material support, and collective efforts, the UR2PhD team has made several resources freely available to […]

Cleveland dot plot showing the seventeen motivating reasons undergraduate computing students decided to participate in a formal research experience. The most frequently cited reason is to build work experience or their resume/CV, with 63% selecting this option.Cleveland dot plot showing the seventeen motivating reasons undergraduate computing students decided to participate in a formal research experience. The most frequently cited reason is to build work experience or their resume/CV, with 63% selecting this option.

CERP Infographic: What motivates students to participate in formal research experiences?

By Ama Nyame-Mensah, Senior Research Associate, CERP Undergraduate research experiences are a promising tool for recruiting and retaining students in computing disciplines. Some studies show that undergraduate research opportunities help students gain confidence in their ability to conduct research, acquire valuable knowledge, and explore professional and career options (Alvarado, Villazon, & Tamer, 2019; Nyame-Mensah, Tamer, & […]

Thumbnail for CERP infographicThumbnail for CERP infographic

Rates of Participation in K-12 Outreach Vary Among Undergraduates in Computing

CRA’s Data Buddies Survey 2021 data indicate that 16% of undergraduates in computing fields have been involved in K-12 outreach during their degree program. Participation rates across different racial and ethnic groups varied. Within racial/ethnic groups, participation rates also varied as a function of gender identity. 

Intersectional Analysis of Exposure to Programming Languages Reveals the Additive Impact of Belonging to Multiple Underrepresented Populations

The current analysis examines whether exposure to programming languages varies among different populations that are underrepresented in computing, and whether belonging to multiple underrepresented populations is associated with programming experience. Results show that students from multiple underrepresented populations in computing are less likely to have learned a programming language than their peers.