Tag Archive: Conference at Snowbird

CRA’s biennial Conference at Snowbird, Utah, is our flagship conference that brings together the chairs of Ph.D.-granting departments of computer science and computer engineering, as well as leaders from U.S. industrial and government computing research laboratories.

Reading Discussion CircleReading Discussion Circle

2016 CRA Conference at Snowbird Recap

From July 17-19, the Computing Research Association (CRA) held its biennial conference at Snowbird, with more than 300 people in attendance. Every two years, the chairs of computing and information departments from across the country, as well as the leaders of government and industrial laboratories, gather in Snowbird, Utah, to network and discuss common issues concerning the future of the field.

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2016 CRA Conference at Snowbird Preliminary Program

The program for the 2016 CRA Conference at Snowbird has recently been updated. Below is the current program. Continue to visit the event page at https://cra.org/events/snowbird-2016/ for the latest information and updates. Online registration will open on the CRA website in a few weeks. New this year, we are excited to have organized discussions on interesting books in the field and want to hear your ideas! Email your book suggestions to Ellen Zegura at ewz@cc.gatech.edu.

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2016 Conference at Snowbird Preliminary Program

The 2016 CRA Snowbird conference will kick-off with a plenary conversation between John Markoff, the Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist who covers science and technology for The New York Times, and University of Washington professor Ed Lazowska. A second plenary will feature Jessica Hodgins, professor in the Robotics Institute and Computer Science Department at CMU. Panel sessions will include topics ranging from “Smart Cities” to “Computing’s Place in the University to the Future of Work.” A major focus of the conference will be booming enrollments, with a short plenary followed by parallel sessions devoted to the topic, its various ramifications, and ideas to help you deal with it, including best practices for managing growth. The meeting will also feature a view into computing and Washington from CRA’s Government Affairs Director Peter Harsha, and short after-dinner talks on computing research futures. New this year, we will facilitate book discussion groups over coffee.

In addition to the conference, a workshop for new department chairs will be held on July 17. There will be several hours of free time for networking, mingling, hiking, or hanging out and enjoying the gorgeous environment.


2014 CRA Conference at Snowbird

The leadership of North American computing research community convened July 20-22, in Snowbird, UT. The biennial CRA Conference at Snowbird is our flagship conference where the leadership of the computing research community gathers to network and discuss common issues concerning the future of the field.

New Look for CRA Unveiled at the 2014 CRA Conference at Snowbird

We are proud to announce the launch of a new brand for CRA and its committees. As the impact of CRA’s activities are becoming more widely recognized and valued across our industry, we decided to develop a new brand identity that reinforces and amplifies our mission, objectives and programs. Our new brand is part of our larger effort to create a comprehensive communications strategy for CRA and its many activities. After updating our mission statement, last fall we began developing a brand that positions CRA as dynamic and collaborative, while preserving the unique identities of CRA’s distinct committees.

North American Computing Leadership Convenes in Snowbird

CRA celebrated the 40th anniversary of its founding in July with the 20th instance of its biennial Chairs Conference at Snowbird. The two-day conference, held at the Snowbird Ski and Summer Resort in Little Cottonwood Canyon, Utah, is an opportunity for the leadership of the North American computing research community to gather and discuss issues of importance to the community.