Tag Archive: Undergraduate Students

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One Year Later, CERP Data Still Indicate REU Participation Relates to Graduate School Enrollment

Analyzing data collected graduating computing students during the spring of 2018, CERP replicated findings indicating that students with formal research experience are more likely to apply to graduate school and enroll in doctoral programs compared to students without any formal research experiences during their undergraduate program.

Person sitting in front of computing in the background of “pre-college coding experience” textPerson sitting in front of computing in the background of “pre-college coding experience” text

Higher Sense of Belonging for Students with Pre-college Coding Experience

According to the Data Buddies Survey (2018), undergraduate students with pre-college coding experience tend to have higher sense of belonging in computing. Given the importance of sense of belonging for retaining students in the field of computing, this finding highlights the potential long-term benefits of engaging students in coding early-on.

CERP infographicCERP infographic

Why Do Undergraduate and Graduate Students Choose Computing?

Interest in the field, job prospects, and a desire to make an impact on the society are the most common reasons for why students choose to enroll in a computing degree program at both undergraduate and graduate level. An understanding of these factors can not only help departments’ recruitment efforts but also guide strategies for student retention.

April 2019April 2019

CRA-W Grace Hopper Research Scholars Report Stronger Mentorship Support After Attending the 2018 Grace Hopper Celebration Through the Program

CERP evaluated the 2018 CRA-W Grace Hopper Research Scholars program using a pre/post methodology, wherein program participants were surveyed prior to the event and then immediately following the conclusion of the Grace Hopper Celebration. Results indicate that program participants reported statistically significant increases in their perceived mentorship support.


Feeling Like an Outsider in Computing? You Are Not Alone!

According to the 2017 Data Buddies Survey, significantly higher percentages of students who are underrepresented in computing (29% and above) felt like an outsider in computing than majority men with no disabilities (17%). This lack of a sense of belonging was highest among the students with disabilities who are women or racial/ethnic minorities (45-46%).