CREU Blog Best Practices

As part of the Collaborative Research Experiences for Undergraduates program, each student is expected to keep an up-to-date weekly blog, which includes information about their current research, accomplishments, and goals.  Blog entries should be goal and outcome oriented.  Make sure each weekly entry includes a weekly goal, long term goal, and an explanation of progress made towards the long term goal.
Creating your blog:
  • Each student needs to create their own blog; team blogs are not permitted
  • Select a blog with minimal advertisements
  • Ensure your blog displays entries in a continuous fashion rather than requiring extra clicks to “read more” for each entry
  • Organize entries in reverse chronological order
  • List each entry by the date it is published
Each blog entry should include:
  • Work accomplished: including literature review, research methodology, etc.
  • Goal: research goal for next (few) weeks
  • Outcomes: things learned from literature review, implementation accomplished, experimental results obtained, lessons learned, etc
  • Include photos when possible

Blog Examples: There is no “right way” to document your experience.  Review blogs from previous CREU projects and work with your mentor to identify examples that work for your team.

Please note: If you are not in school or not working, clearly state your reason for not blogging.  You should publish at least one line stating the reason you were not working, for example that you are “on spring break” or “studying for finals.”