CRA-WP Welcomes Sandhya Dwarkadas as Newest Co-Chair

CRA-WP welcomes Sandhya Dwarkadas as its newest co-chair. She joins Andrea Danyluk as co-chair, serving a 2-year term.sandhya

Sandhya Dwarkadas is the Albert Arendt Hopeman Professor of Engineering, and Professor and Chair of Computer Science with a secondary appointment in Electrical and Computer Engineering, at University of Rochester, where she has been on the faculty since 1996. She received her Bachelor’s degree from the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, India, and her M.S. and Ph.D. from Rice University. She is a fellow of the ACM and IEEE. She is currently co-chair of the CRA-WP board and steering committee.

Her areas of research interest include parallel and distributed computing, computer architecture, and the interaction and interface between the compiler, runtime/operating system, and underlying architecture. She has made fundamental contributions to the design and implementation of shared memory both in hardware and in software, and to hardware and software energy- and resource-aware configurability.

CRA-WP would like to thank Margaret Martonosi and Julia Hirschberg for their past service and contribution to all CRA-WP programs.